Challenge: To trim down the grocery bills by at least 33%

According to the US Department of Labor, the average American family of four spends $8,513 per year on groceries. This statistic breaks down to $177 per person a month. My family is not the traditional nuclear family. In addition to me and my husband, we have four children -- three teenagers, a two-year-old, and a mother-in-law. Applying the above figures, our grocery bill for a family of seven should approximate to $1239 per month. And astonishingly, it has regularly fluctuated in the range of $1000- $1300. My goal is to trim this monthly pile of receipts down to $830,(including diapers, wipes, hygiene products, and restaurant bills) if not less. Being able to frugally feed my nutrition-conscious husband and appease the voracious appetites of my teenagers will be my main challenge!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My own ads

How ironic.  A few weeks back I had been searching online for a good deal on class rings.  Apparently my daughter's school makes a big deal out of these things, even setting aside a special event, Ring Day, for the girls to receive their momentos (and a flower, apparently).

Now, after scrolling down to check my total pageviews (just curious... thanks for reading my blog!), I see an ad for a site I did not come across when I was searching.  Ad to this a promo code!

Of course, I already ordered a ridiculously overpriced ring for her (oh, the peer pressure).  If only I knew about the other options.

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