Challenge: To trim down the grocery bills by at least 33%

According to the US Department of Labor, the average American family of four spends $8,513 per year on groceries. This statistic breaks down to $177 per person a month. My family is not the traditional nuclear family. In addition to me and my husband, we have four children -- three teenagers, a two-year-old, and a mother-in-law. Applying the above figures, our grocery bill for a family of seven should approximate to $1239 per month. And astonishingly, it has regularly fluctuated in the range of $1000- $1300. My goal is to trim this monthly pile of receipts down to $830,(including diapers, wipes, hygiene products, and restaurant bills) if not less. Being able to frugally feed my nutrition-conscious husband and appease the voracious appetites of my teenagers will be my main challenge!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Coupon Alert

Quick reminder to keep your eyes out for coupons.  There are $1 coupons nearby potato chips and nachos racks at the Stop and Shops and Price Choppers I visited recently.  I took a couple of each to keep for a really good sale.  I like to wait for ones which include a free jar of salsa with a purchase of two bags of nachos, for example. 

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