Challenge: To trim down the grocery bills by at least 33%

According to the US Department of Labor, the average American family of four spends $8,513 per year on groceries. This statistic breaks down to $177 per person a month. My family is not the traditional nuclear family. In addition to me and my husband, we have four children -- three teenagers, a two-year-old, and a mother-in-law. Applying the above figures, our grocery bill for a family of seven should approximate to $1239 per month. And astonishingly, it has regularly fluctuated in the range of $1000- $1300. My goal is to trim this monthly pile of receipts down to $830,(including diapers, wipes, hygiene products, and restaurant bills) if not less. Being able to frugally feed my nutrition-conscious husband and appease the voracious appetites of my teenagers will be my main challenge!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cream of the Crop?

I love testing out new products, especially when they are free by rebate.  In today's case, Kraft Philadelphia's Cooking Creme was my target.  Usually priced at $3.29 at Stop and Shop, it went on sale this week 2/$4.  I have been collecting coupons for this for a couple of weeks, piling up two from the Sunday Telegram, one printed out from the internet, and a handful from a coupon dispenser right next to the item itself (two weeks ago).

I try to use only pure olive oil for all of my frying needs, except for deep frying, which can denature the olive oil.  So, buying cooking creme was not a priority.  I kept the coupons only because they were for $1.50 off -- a considerable amount.  With the product being $2, it meant each of the 10 ounce tubs cost only 50 cents.  As a bonus, Stop and Shop was throwing in an additional incentive to try the new items -- "Save $1 on the purchase of 2 instantly."  So after this additional subtraction of $3 to my order, each tub was free!

Total fat per serving, 1/4 cup, is 9 grams, but there are some benefits -- protein 4 grams, Vitamin A 10% and Calcium 6% since the main ingredient is milk.  The containers I bought had a small recipe booklet attached to the top.  I am excited to try the Chicken Bruschetta Pasta one-- it does look creamy in the photo. We'll soon see if this cooking creme is 'cream of the crop.'

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