Challenge: To trim down the grocery bills by at least 33%

According to the US Department of Labor, the average American family of four spends $8,513 per year on groceries. This statistic breaks down to $177 per person a month. My family is not the traditional nuclear family. In addition to me and my husband, we have four children -- three teenagers, a two-year-old, and a mother-in-law. Applying the above figures, our grocery bill for a family of seven should approximate to $1239 per month. And astonishingly, it has regularly fluctuated in the range of $1000- $1300. My goal is to trim this monthly pile of receipts down to $830,(including diapers, wipes, hygiene products, and restaurant bills) if not less. Being able to frugally feed my nutrition-conscious husband and appease the voracious appetites of my teenagers will be my main challenge!

Friday, April 29, 2011

My Heroine

WBZ-TV late last night featured my heroine, coupon queen Kathy Spencer.  Please google her interview, along with previous ones with news stations and newspapers, and learn from her website,  I can only hope to someday be able to shop and save like her!

Although her ideas for shopping at Stop and Shop this week were already on my to-do list (purchasing 3 Hallmark cards and receiving a $5 rewards coupon and purchasing a $25 gift certificate (I would have just chosen the store gift card) and receiving a free bouquet of flowers), there were so many other money-saving ideas and coupon links.  One coupon which I already printed out was for tobasco sauce, making it free this week once doubled. 

Reading her personal story (and income level on paper) will be an inspiration to you to really "train your eyes" and look out for those deals.  Have fun!

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